Sunday, April 15, 2007

Day Five

Our second day is an Erasmus outing to a village called Hergiswil famed for its tradition of glass blowing, we have a hollywood video walk through tour of their history of glass blowing and then are genuinely awed when we reach the workfloor. Menare scooping molten glass from a huge furness, shaping glasses, plates, vases, glasses just about anything, in sweltering conditions. For a mere 15CHF hiromi is allowed to blow her own glass bauble (which proudly swings in our roof terrace). Today is incidently my birthday, and for much of the day I have a headache. With all the huustle and bustle I have almost forgotten it completely, that is until later when Hiromi lays on a banquet of pure sugar refined into many different shapes, cake , chocolate rabbits, pick and mix, smarties, its all there.

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